Estonian Design Awards 2012—2022: A Retrospective


Ground floor

“Estonian Design Awards 2012–2022: A Retrospective” brings together award-winning design projects, designers, professional associations, clients and many others who have been featured and recognised over the history of the Estonian Design Awards. The competition, held every other year for a decade, is constantly changing, reflecting the activities and organisation of associations and parties such as the Estonian Design Centre, the Estonian Association of Designers, Estonian Art Directors Club (ADC*E), the Estonian Academy of Arts, and the Estonian Service Industry Association, as well as the trends and developments in Estonian design.

When we think about awards, we recognise the format and understand what is valued at different points in time. Several of the awards have longer histories individually, but they have been operating together on the common platform of the Estonian Design Awards since 2012. The awards boost up-and-coming designers, acknowledge those currently active in the field and put a deserved spotlight on the careers and contributions of long-standing professionals.

The exhibition introduces the history of the awards, the individual awards founded by different associations and organisations, and winning works from the different categories. It also introduces the list of juries who have worked together over the years to decide which designers and works will be awarded.

The exhibition gives an overview of the works that have received a gold award. However, the retrospective does not aim to create a complete picture of the local design scene or the decade, so projects awarded with silver or bronze and dozens of nominees have not been included.

Together with the exhibition designers, we treat the retrospective as a community gathering and party, where everyone is invited to explore past achievements and contributions, reflect on the different aspects of the awards process, and appreciate the works on show. For the occasion, architects Ulla Alla and Merilin Kaup have reviewed and given new life to the design materials of the museum’s previous exhibitions.

The exhibition is organised in cooperation with the Estonian Design Centre.

Compiled by Sandra Nuut
Coordinated by Birgit Tohter
Exhibition design: Ulla Katariina Alla, Merilin Kaup
Graphic design: Jaan Evart
Exhibition production: BART.EE
Exhibition team: Helen Adamson, Kristin Made, Kristi Paap, Silvia Pärmann, Ketli Tiitsar, Dagmar Siida, Kaire Rannik, Toomas Übner
Language editor: Hille Saluäär
Translations: Refiner Translations
Supported by: Tanker
Many thanks to: Anneliis Aunapuu, Green Dice, Ilona Gurjanova, Ville Jehe, Ruth-Helene Melioranski, Jane Oblikas, Martin Pärn, Piia Põldmaa, Janno Siimar, Pent Talvet, Heikki Zoova



Leaflet “Estonian Design Awards 2012–2022: A Retrospective”

Public Programme

3 October at 17.30 curatorial tour with Sandra Nuut at the exhibition. The tour is in English, no registration needed. Entrance with the museum ticket.

Media Coverage

27.05 Echo Gone Wrong Photo reportage from the exhibition “Estonian Design Awards 2012–2022. A Retrospective”


Photos: Hedi Jaansoo